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Nešto drugačija metroidvanija - Razgovarali smo s autorom igre Arrowman
“Volim igre s fast-paced akcijom, gdje iščekuješ nalet adrenalina koji te lupi jednom kada se ta ak...
Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown recenzija
Vozi nazad u 2011. Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown je neuspeo pokušaj da se nekada inovatorska fra...
Najavljena iPhone 16 serija sa novim dugmetom za kameru, AI integracijom i bržim procesorom
Sve informacije o novoj seriji iPhone 16 otkrivene su na Appleovom Glowtime događaju Apple je služb...
Sony je zvanično najavio PlayStation 5 Pro!
Mid-gen počinje sada! Sony je konačno objavio najgore čuvanu tajnu u industriji video igara: PlaySt...
Najavljen PlayStation 5 Pro, izlazi u studenome
Kako se pretpostavljalo i najavljivalo, Sony je danas predstavio svoju nadograđenu PS5 konzolu, Play...
Square Enix navodno planira izdati sve svoje igre na Xbox konzolama, uključući i Final Fantasy VII trilogiju
Iako mu je PlayStation bez imalo sumnje omiljena platforma, Square Enix je u posljednje vrijeme sve ...
Looney Tunes: Wacky World of Sports u prodaji će se pojaviti već krajem ovog mjeseca
Looney Tunes: Wacky World of Sports će izaći za PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One,...
Probao sam Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2, sav se uprljao krvlju
ANKETA: Hoćete li kupiti PlayStation 5 Pro?
Najavljen je PS5 Pro
Najavljen je PlayStation 5 Pro, prva PlayStation konzola od 800 eura
Domaća igra o istraživanju jadranske obale uspješno je financirana, pomalo
Stižu novi Nintendo Switch paketi u utrci da Switch postane najprodavanija konzola svih vremena
Evo ga napokon – simulator farbanja
Studio koji je osnovao Dr Disrespect otpustio polovicu svojih radnika, ali igru i dalje planira…
Što se igra preko Netflixa? Evo top 10 liste igara s najviše preuzimanja
Black Ops 6 neće imati igranje kampanje prije službenog izlaska
Najavljen je iPhone 16, iz Applea opet kažu da je jak kao konzola
Dostavljačka igra Deliver At All Costs spaja ugođaj Mafije i kaos Just Causea
U Football Manager 25 nećemo moći voditi reprezentacije
Preminuo James Earl Jones, glas Dartha Vadera
Sony danas održava tehničku prezentaciju za PlayStation 5
Poskupio je PlayStation 5 kontroler, iz nekog razloga
Destiny 2 napušta velike ekspanzije u korist češćeg, kreativnijeg sadržaja
Sony najavio 9-minutnu prezentaciju u kojoj bi mogao prikazati PS5 Pro
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Londonski Fabric spreman je za nadogradnju zvučnog sustava nakon 25 godina
Kultni londonski klub fabric trebao bi unaprijediti svoj legendarni zvučni sustav Room 1 po prvi put...
VINYL TJEDNA: Reboot - Serii Speciale [Curtea Veche]
Izvanredno vinilno izdanje renomiranog majstora iz Frankfurta!Continue reading......
Lu Jakelić pjeva Amy Winehouse na dan kad bi jedinstvena Amy slavila 41. rođendan
Rođendan Amy Winehouse ove će godine na poseban način obilježiti u klubu Peti Kupe. U subotu, 14. ru...
Razjareni raver zbog odbijenice na ulazu autom prošao kroz vrata kultnog berlinskog kluba
Raver kojem je odbijen ulazak u poznati berlinski klub Sisyphos , “uzvratio je udarac” vozeći automo...
PipsChips&Videoclips dodali treći koncert u Boogaloou
U srpnju smo pisali da će PipsChips&Videoclips u zagrebačkom Boogaloou održati dva koncerta, 4. ...
RIP Danielle Moore: Voljena pjevačica benda Crazy P koja je personificirala snagu plesa
Život Danielle Moore predstavlja transformativnu snagu plesnog podija. Svoj život posvetila je glazb...
Hrvatska pošta objavila poštanske marke s naslovnicama albuma Psihomodo popa, Parnog valjka i D…
Hrvatska pošta objavila je novu seriju markica. Poštanske marke, koje su u opticaj puštene 5. rujna,...
Rap i hip-hop ponovno na Super Bowlu! Kendricku Lamaru pripala čast nastupa na halftime showu
Kendrick Lamar je headliner nadolazećeg Super Bowl LIX halftime showa koji će se održati 9. veljače ...
Dvodjelni dokumentarac: Eksplozivan uspon hard techna i kako žanr preuzima svijet
Nizozemski hard techno DJ-i nove su plesne superzvijezde koje techno svijet okreću naglavačke, bržim...
Sedam festivala i nekoliko velikih partyja. Ovako je izgledalo ljeto 2024. u Tisnom!
Festivalska sezona u Tisnom je krenula na samom kraju lipnja te je trajala do prvih dana rujna. Tije...
Singlove koji su se izdvojili ovog tjedna imaju Macha Ravel, Tidal Pull, Mary May, Consecration…
Svaki tjedan biramo šest domaćih i regionalnih novih singlova (pjesama) koji su se, unatrag tjedan d...
Tko je Emily Armstrong, nova pjevačica Linkin Parka?
Linkin Park prošlog je tjedna najavio svoj veliki povratak, a u sklopu su najave novog albuma, ̶...
Sretan 909 dan svima koji slave! Ovo su trake koje su obilježile Roland TR-909 ritam mašinu
Roland TR-909 je vjerojatno najpoznatija ritam mašina u povijesti house i techno glazbe . Njegova ko...
Kruder & Dorfmeister objavljuju posebno, slavljeničko izdanje The K&D Sessionsa
Povodom 25 godina legendarnog izdanja, pripremili su limitirani 6LP / 3CD box set koji se očekuje u ...
David Gilmour objavio prvi album u devet godina, “Luck And Strange”
David Gilmour objavio je svoj novi album, “Luck And Strange”. “Luck And Strange...
NOVsky Festival: Umjetnost i znanost pod istim nebom
ZEZ festival 2024. očekuje nas početkom listopada na više lokacija
Glazba Hansa Zimmera odjekivat će Lisinskim u izvedbi orkestra Lords of the Sound
Kanadski synth-pop duo Desire premijerno dolazi u Hrvatsku
Svemirko se vraća koncertima ove jeseni u Boogaloou
Matija Milutin otkriva novi album “DRUGI”
Indie giganti Tindersticks stižu u Lisinski!
Tvrdoval – 6. festival buke u Tvornici kulture
Nagradna igra – Mixeta te vodi u Tvornicu na Einstürzende Neubauten!
Fernando Vragolanni i Johnny Julianni otkrivaju novu dimenziju pjesmom ”Kava na brzinu”
Brain Holidays objavili novi spot – ‘Vajbaj sa mnom’
Šumski objavili datume europske i regionalne turneje – sviraju i u Osijeku
Ovogodišnji HeadOnEast najavljen za listopad uz brojna glazbena imena
Rade Šerbedžija i Zapadni kolodvor na ovogodišnjem izdanu Wine Bike Tour-a
La musica del silenzio i neponovljiv glazbeni put: Andrea Bocelli proslavio je 30 godina karije…
The Hahas The Blablas i Šumski u sklopu Eksperimenta sviraju na nasipu kod Močvare
Nizozemski SØWT predgrupa Mudhoneyju u Tvornici kulture!
Prvi koncert Andree Bocellija u pulskoj Areni je rasprodan, ostalo je još ulaznica za koncert u…
vivo T3 Ultra's key specs and price segment confirmed ahead of tomorrow's debut
Oppo Find X8 leaks in more hands-on images, will have its own Dynamic Island
The Best iPhone 15 Cases (2024), Tested and Reviewed
Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra leaks in first renders, its weight is revealed too
Which iPhone 16 Model Should You Buy?
Someone discovered a new cheat code for the 27-year-old Saturn port of Doom
Google announces deal with direct-air capture startup to remove carbon emissions
iPhone 16 hands-on: More Pro than I expected
Flipper Zero 1.0 firmware update supercharges the hacking handheld
Samsung Galaxy S24 FE to be more expensive than its predecessor
Google announces a market-shifting deal to capture CO2
Australia’s Prime Minister wants to ban social media for children
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Farro Salad with Beets and Roasted Grapes
Cultivating Health: Meet the Doctor Combining Medicine and Farming
Watermelon Salad with Passion Fruit Dressing
Buckwheat Tabbouleh with Chard, Chickpeas, and Creamy Garlic Dressing
13 Easy Vegan Millet Recipes, from Muffins to Meatloaf
Fresh Figs: From Pizza to Jam, Here’s How to Use Them
How to Make Tofu and Soy Milk from Scratch
Grilled Pineapple with Minty Mango Nice Cream
8-Ingredient Lentil Soup with Potatoes and Kale
How to Make Infused Water: Our Favorite Flavor Combos
21 Delicious Meal-Worthy Salads to Make for Lunch or Dinner
Changing the Hospital Food Game: Chefs Showcase Plant-Based Creativity at D.C. Event
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Riješite ih se ove jeseni: 5 svakodnevnih navika koje najviše štete vašem imunitetu
S dolaskom jeseni vrijeme je da se pripremimo za sezonske izazove i posvetimo zdravlju imunosnog sustava. Iako ne možemo u potpunosti utjecati na to hoćemo li izbjeći različite zaraz...
Cicvara s vrhnjem i slaninom
Za pripremu vam neće trebati puno vremena tako da je ovo tradicionalno jelo odlična opcija za brzi ručak....
Kako iskoristiti slanutak iz konzerve? 7 ideja za brzi ručak
Slanutak iz konzerve je odličan sastojak za brzi ručak, osobito kad tražite jednostavne ideje za ručak preko tjedna ili brzi ručak za 15 minuta. Ovaj izvor biljnih proteina i vlakana...
Majka Lana o malom Juri koji se borio s leukemijom: Gledati kroz što prolazi je bilo gore od svega
"Prije nego što je Jura napunio tri godine, u svibnju 2022., dobio je temperaturu. Tada je često bio bolestan, a zatim mu je odjednom postalo teško voziti bicikl, htio je da ga nosim, nije htio toliko dugo biti u parku. Razgovarala sam s ostalim mamama u parku od kojih mi je jedna rekla da je jako blijed......
Prisiljeno zelje s mesom
Ovo varivo nudi mogućnost prilagodbe prema ukusu - možete dodati razne začine ili koristiti različite vrste mesa....
Tres leches ili kolač s tri vrste mlijeka: Imamo recept za najsočniji biskvit koji ćete ikada probati
Tres Leches, poznat i kao "kolač od tri vrste mlijeka", jedan je od najpopularnijih i najsočnijih deserata Latinske Amerike. Sastoji se od mekanog biskvita koji je natopljen mješavinom kondenziranog mlijeka, evaporiranog mlijeka i vrhnja za šlag. Jednostavni kolač od limuna: Mirisan, mekan i sočan - desert koji oboža...
Poke bowl s lososom
Prema ovom receptu, količina sastojaka je dovoljna za dvije osobe, no lako je možete prilagoditi, kao i dodati neke druge sastojke po vlastitom ukusu....
7 jednostavnih stvari koje možete napraviti za zdravlje svojeg srca - već danas
Srce je snažan mišić, glavni organ u kardiovaskularnom sustavu. Svi njegovi dijelovi koordinirano rade zajedno kako bi pokretali krv kroz tijelo - krv dovodi kisik i hranjive stvari do stanica, ali i preuzima ugljični dioksid te otpadne tvari i prenosi ih do za njih zaduženih organa......
Cherry Delight : Hit desert ovog ljeta - ne peče se i gotov je u 20 minuta
Cherry Delight je ukusni desert koji spaja kremastu teksturu i osvježavajući okus trešanja. Sastoji se od nekoliko slojeva - prhke podloge od keksa, kremastog sloja od sira i sočne smjese od trešanja. Bilo da ga pripremate za obiteljsko okupljanje, rođendansku proslavu ili večeru s prijateljima, Cherry Delight će oduševiti svakoga...
6 znakova srčanih problema koji nemaju nikakve veze s bolovima u prsima
Iako je bol u prsima simptom koji se najčešće povezuje s kardiovaskularnim problemima, postoji niz atipičnih simptoma koji mogu ukazivati da nešto nije u redu sa srcem. Visoki krvni tlak, krvni ugrušci, aritmije i problemi sa zaliscima mogu izazvati ošamućenost, vrtoglavicu, otežano disanje i bol u čeljusti......
Koje su zdravstvene prednosti temeljca od kostiju i kako ga pravilno pripremiti?
Temeljac od kostiju je jelo koje se priprema kuhanjem životinjskih kostiju i drugih sastojaka dok se ne izvuče koštana srž i ostale hranjive tvari. Može se pripremati i s mesom, zajedno sa sastojcima poput octa, rajčice, češnjaka ili povrća, kako bi okus bio bogatiji......
Što se događa u vašem tijelu kada jedete bobičasto voće svaki dan?
Bobičasto voće spada u najzdravije biljne namirnice. Njihova jarko crvena, plavo-crna, ljubičasta i druge šarene boje znak su mnoštva antioksidansa i flavonoida koji se nalaze u njima, a ljudskom tijelu pružaju razne zdravstvene prednosti. Otkrijte zašto se jagode smatraju ljekovitim voćem! Najdostupnije bobičasto voće su jag...
Klasik dalmatinske kuhinje: Ovo je recept uz koji ćete pripremiti savršenu pašticadu
Pašticada je tradicionalno jelo s područja Dalmacije, regije bogate kulturnom baštinom. Ima dugu povijest i često se priprema za posebne prigode i obiteljska okupljanja. Glavni sastojak pašticade je obično junetina koja je karakteristična po svom bogatom okusu koji se postiže dugim kuhanjem u umaku od crnog vina, rajčice, povrća,...
Iznenađujući faktor rizika za demenciju koji nema nikakve veze s prehranom ili tjelovježbom
Briga o vlastitom mozgu može biti zbunjujuća. Uostalom, čak ni medicinski istraživači nisu sigurni zašto neki ljudi dožive starost s netaknutim pamćenjem i kognitivnim sposobnostima, dok drugi ne. Ono što već dugo znamo je da je su zdrave navike za ostatak tijela - poput jedenja biljne hrane, kvalitetnog sna i tjelesne aktivnosti...
Kinds of Kindness
Nova suradnja oskarovaca Yorgosa Lanthimosa i zvijezde filma Emme Stone i njihov peti zajednički pr...
Joker: Ludilo u dvoje
Joaquin Phoenix u ulozi Arthura Flecka aka Jokera te famozna Lady Gaga kao Harley Quinn u glamurozn...
Priča završava s nama
PRIČA ZAVRŠAVA S NAMA, filmska je adaptacija bestselera svjetski poznate autorice Colleen Hoover, k...
Deadpool i Wolverine
Marvel Studios predstavlja svoju najveću pogrešku do sada – "Deadpool i Wolverine". Bezvoljni W...
Alien: Romulus
Nastavak kultne franšize "Alien" iz produkcije legendarnog Ridleyja Scotta i u režiji talentiranog ...
Bubimir Bubimir
Bubimir se vratio! Za Oscara nominirani, jedinstveni kreativni vizionar Tim Burton i nominiran za O...
Temeljeno na najprodavanijoj videoigri, ova akcijsko-avanturistička priča prati šaroliku ekipu auts...
Caroline Ellison Shouldn't Go to Jail After FTX Collapse, Attorneys Say
Former Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison should be sentenced to time served and a non-custodial term after her cooperation with prosecutors in taking down Sam Bankman-Fried, her attorneys said in a late Tuesday night filing....
Harris Won U.S. Presidential Debate Versus Trump, Polymarket Betting Suggests
Vice President Kamala Harris appears to have beaten former President Donald Trump in the first debate between the U.S. presidential candidates on Tuesday, based on the direction of prediction bets on Polymarket, while crypto policy went unmentioned.…
Former FTX Executive Caroline Ellison's Sentencing Hearing Set for Sept. 24
Former Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison's sentencing hearing has been scheduled for Sept. 24, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. EDT....
Bitcoin Eyes $58K With Downtrodden Crypto Markets Exposed to Short Squeezes, Says Analyst
Bitcoin (BTC) was rising on Tuesday as the crypto market continued its rebound from last week's fear-inducing plunge....
Bitcoin ETFs Are Fine Despite Suffering Their Worst String of Outflows, Says Expert
The recent plunge in the price of bitcoin was accompanied by a sizable amount of net outflows from the 12 U.S. spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs). While on its face, that might appear worrisome, it's more likely a sign of healthy growth....
Why Every Crypto Founder Must Master Political Strategy
Stablecoins vs Tokenized Deposits: Why the Differences Matter
Aren’t stablecoins and tokenized deposits the same thing? Not at all, argues Noelle Acheson. It’s not just the different functionality and treatment, it’s also the different approaches to money....
Trump-Harris Debate: Polymarket Shows Slim Odds of Crypto Mention
PayPal, Venmo to Accept ENS's Human-Readable Blockchain Names
The news could signal a renewed interest from traditional payment platforms in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies....
Solo Bitcoin Miner Wins Big After Securing an Entire Block Reward
A solo bitcoin } miner beat a swathe of powerful mining pools to receive a $181,000 reward after mining block 860749 on Tuesday....
Second U.S. Firm tZero Said to Become Crypto Broker Dealer Under SEC Oversight
A second company, tZero Group Inc., said it's achieved status as a fully registered U.S. broker dealer under a rule allowing for crypto firms to join those ranks, following a path previously blazed by Prometheum Inc....
Core Scientific Is Uniquely Placed to Deliver AI Data Center Scale in the Near Term: Bernstein
The bitcoin miner benefits from readily available sites and power, less competition and the ability to hire strong data center talent, the report said....
CoinDesk 20 Performance Update: ICP and RNDR Lead as Index Inches up 0.5%
Internet Computer gained 4.0% while Render rose 3.5%....
Polygon to Buy $5M of Servers With Computer Chips Devoted to Zero-Knowledge Cryptography
The purchase is part of a deal with hardware maker Fabric, that is also producing custom zero-knowledge chips for Polygon's AggLayer....
UK Regulator Charges First Individual With Running a Network of Illegal Crypto ATMs
Olumide Osunkoya, 45 year old Londoner has been accused of running crypto ATMs that processed british pounds 2.6 million ($3.4 million) in crypto transactions across various locations....
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AI, Robotics Advances Will Bring ‘Crisis of Meaning’, Elon Musk Says
The Tesla CEO opined that robots will bring both comfort and a human existential crisis....
Elon Musk-Themed Telegram Game ‘X Empire’ Opens Pre-Market Trading Ahead of Airdrop
X Empire follows the Notcoin model with NFT vouchers for pre-market token trading, but questions persist around the conversion rate....
What Is Fractal? What You Need to Know About the Buzzy Bitcoin Scaler
Fractal stays loyal to Bitcoin’s base layer code, allowing BTC to scale while sharing its security and infrastructure....
B2B Run u Zagrebu i obraničen promet
Zbog održavanja poslovne utrke B2Run Zagreb, u četvrtak 12.9.2024., na području jez...
Znate li što je Barbie botox i gdje ga u Zagrebu možete probati?
Klasična primjena botoksa nalaže da se isti aplicira na područje oko očiju (crow’s fe...
Pogreške koje rade ljudi koji ne mogu skinuti višak kilograma
Mnogi ljudi se suočavaju s izazovom skidanja viška kilograma, unatoč velikom trudu ...
Dogodilo se na današnji dan - 11. rujna
Henry Hudson engleski je morepolovac koji je najpoznatiji po istraživanju područja ...
Dnevni horoskop za 11. rujan 2024.
Od 120 Four Season hotela u svijetu, ovaj se smatra najljepšim
Kako se konačno riješiti kroničnog stresa
BURO. ULTIMATIVE LIPS CLUB: sve što vam je potrebno za savršenu njegu usana
Vraćamo se u grad: vrijeme je za BURO. x Regular.Bar Bottomless Brunch
Gdje prijete prirodne katastrofe?
BURO. moodboard: zelena je nova ‘it’ boja sezone
HONOR predstavio AI Agenta
2. Japanski filmski festival – za sve ljubitelje japanske animacije!
Pronašli smo neinvazivnu alternativu filerima za zdrave i pune usne
Kazne zbog slabe potražnje za električnim automobilima?!
Opasnosti buke za zdravlje
Svi na internetu pričaju o novom MAC korektoru. Stigao je u Hrvatsku
Hoće li novi iPhone 16 biti najbolji iPhone do sada?
Ulaznice za 11. NO Jazz festival su u prodaji!
Slamanje: morvern (SLO) + Uryan (SLO) + Layka (HR)
Tom the Twisters
Fibra Fest
Miholjački rock
Postmodern Jukebox
Nick Cave
Waves Vienna Festival Conference
Rejvitalizacija – konferencija o ekonomiji noćnog života
Jonas Brothers
José Carreras
Runda Digital Day
David Gilmour
Changeover Festival
System of a Down tribute Chop Suey i Disturbed tribute Disturbed UK u Rijeci!
System of a Down tribute Chop Suey i Disturbed tribute Disturbed UK u Zagrebu!
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Einstürzende Neubauten
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30 Seconds to Mars
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Letu Štuke, Savršeni Marginalci, M.O.R.T. @ Riječka Zvečka
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Anyma Was the Creative Visual Director of The Weeknd's One-Night-Only Concert in São Paulo
Anyma served as the Creative Visual Director for The Weeknd's one-night-only concert in São Paulo, the DJ revealed today.The special show took place September 7th at the Estádio MorumBIS ahead of the release of The Weeknd's long-awaited sixth album, Hurry Up Tomorrow. He announced it would include "never-before-seen production" prior but hadn't...
Malaa Declares War On Himself With Alter Ego Reveal, New Double Album
Would the real Malaa please stand up?In a twist that's sure to leave fans continuing to wonder who's really behind the mask, the mysterious French DJ has revealed a second identity and launched a battle between the two artistic personas.A press release shared with reveals that Malaa, the balaclava-clad...
Billy McFarland Announces Dates and Location of Fyre Festival II
Stories of downfall don't always leave room for redemption, but Billy McFarland has announced his plan to reverse the fortunes of 2017's ill-fated Fyre Festival in early 2025.Speaking with NBC News' Savannah Sellers on TODAY, McFarland officially announced Fyre Festival II, which he says is set to take place in...
VNTM continues Open Source Project, issues ‘Principle’
Amsterdam-based artist VNTM is carving a niche in electronic music with his innovative Open Source Project. With the release of “Principle” marking the project’s tenth phase, VNTM continues to draw attention for his blends of modern techno with progressive dance melodies. The Open Source Project invites other artists to...
Buyers of Nonrefundable Passes to Cancelled Lucidity Festival Offered Free SSBD 2024 Tickets
In the wake of Lucidity Festival's sudden cancellation and the controversial decision by its organizers not to offer refunds, ticket-holders were left without a clear path forward.However, in a generous act of support for the festival community, Same Same But Different has decided to extend an offer: a free General Admission...
Raver Crashes Car Into Berlin Club After Being Denied Entry
A shocking incident occurred in the early hours of Saturday, September 7th, when a raver who was refused entry to the popular Berlin club Sisyphos retaliated by driving a car into the club’s entrance gate.According to the Berliner Zeitung porta…
Hulaween Reveals Highly Anticipated Festival Theme And Set Times For 2024 Edition
Hulaween has just revealed its highly-anticipated festival theme and set times for the 11th annual edition taking place from Thursday, October 24 – Sunday, October 27, 2024, at Spirit of Suwannee Music Park in Live Oak, Flor…
Who owns K-pop giant HYBE?
HYBE founder Bang Si-hyuk remains the largest shareholder, but Scooter Braun and BTS own a significant chunk as well Source...
True Entertainment Launches Management Division, Names Robot Sunrise As First Artist
True Entertainment Events, one of Southern California’s most respected underground dance music purveyors, has just launched its own management division, True Management. True Entertainment Events has spent the last decade growing…
Concord Label Group merges Fantasy Records with Concord Records; combined brand led by Co-Presidents Margi Cheske and Mark Williams
Cheske and Williams are based in Los Angeles and report to Concord Label Group Chief Executive Tom Becci Source...
Nicole Moudaber debuts on Reinier Zonneveld’s Filth On Acid with ‘Reverie / Forest Fire’: Listen
Local artists absolutely dominate EU charts, but Europe falling behind on music exports: IFPI
In the 22 EU markets tracked yearly by IFPI, 60% of the Top 10 tracks were by domestic artists, compared to 47% in non-EU markets Source...
Four Tet and Ellie Goulding share new single, ‘In My Dreams’: Listen
Audiomack teams up with Mogul to bring royalty tracking to its creators
In just four months since its launch, Mogul says it has helped artists recover an additional $150M in royalties Source...
Man drives car into Berlin club Sisyphos after being refused entry
Föllakzoid's Domingæ injured in alleged transphobic attack in Berlin club Sameheads
Audius strikes global licensing deal with Kobalt
The deal gives Kobalt-signed songwriters access to Audius’ blockchain-powered marketplace Source...
Amuse sets up new sync department led by Daniel Copleston
Amuse employs a data-driven approach to music, and it catalog now includes some 8,000 recordings from 300 artists Source...
Premiere: Blvksite ‘Omen’
Man charged with generating over $10 million in streaming revenue with AI bots
South Asian music-focused Myst Music taps The Orchard for global distribution
L.A.-headquartered Myst Music’s roster integrates South Asian pop music with the dance and EDM space Source...
Kaytranada: king of the beats
Kendrick Lamar Selected for 2025 Super Bowl Halftime Performance
Rapper Kendrick Lamar will headline the Super Bowl halftime show in New Orleans! The NFL’s announcement highlights Lamar’s status as one of the most influential figures in contemporary music. At 37, Lamar has established an impressive legacy wi…
Alfiya Glow Teams Up With Luna Maye To Present ‘Where Do We Go’
Alfiya Glow unites with Luna Maye for their collaborative Melodic House track, ‘Where Do We Go.’ A synergy of styles and a symbol of their creative harmony, the production gives way to the signature violin lines that have become a staple to Alfiya Gl…
Spain’s recorded music industry revenues reached $269m in H1, up 16.6% YoY
Music streaming revenues in Spain grew 19.1% YoY Source...
Pharma giant Johnson Johnson sued for alleged ‘rampant’ copyright infringement by Sony and Universal-owned production music firm APM Music
Johnson & Johnson is alleged to have used APM's music in promotional videos without permission Source...
Arctic Monkeys producer James Ford signs exclusive, global administration deal with Universal Music Publishing UK
Producer, songwriter and composer has worked with Arctic Monkeys, Depeche Mode, Foals, Florence and The Machine and more Source...
Universal, Concord and ABKCO slam Anthropic’s motion to dismiss, say AI company is trying to ‘stall’ copyright case
Lawyers for UMPG, Concord and ABKCO called Anthropic's motion to dismiss a "delaying" tactic Source...
Tomorrowland’s immersive experience opens in Madrid in October
Sérgio Mendes, legendary Brazilian bossa nova composer, dies aged 83
A Premium $4,200 Portable Music Player Just Hit The Market
Astell&Kern, renowned for their high-end audio devices, just introduced the SP3000T Copper Edition, a limited-edition model that promises pristine audio quality, everywhere you go. The SP3000T is a portable music player that allows you to carry y…
Watch Jean-Michel Jarre, Cassius, Kitten, Anetha, more soundtrack Paris Paralympics closing ceremony
Premiere: P3rf3ct Strang3rs ‘Against!’
Watch The Weeknd perform new album songs in São Paulo live stream
Armin van Buuren and Hardwell reunite for new single, ‘Follow The Light’